- Is there a "break-in" time?
With the level of quality applied in the making of Rilleau Sandals, there is not what you would expect from pre-made footwear. But we do recommend wearing the sandals for short periods the first two or three times to let the sandal become used to the subtleties of the foot and its movements.
- How long does it take to get them?
Delivery time varies depending on how busy we are, but with the sandals it is usually 14 - 21 days.
- What style strapping do you recommend?
I recommend some selection from the sling “family” most of the time. I also recommend people try the toe ring unless they are dead set against it. If the ease of adjustment is a very high priority, there is no doubt that the “easy adjust” variation accomplishes this quite well.
- Can they be re-soled?
Yes they surely can.either the leather or rubber soling can be re-done. Cost is $55 for either.
- How long do they last?
Rilleau sandals can literally last the lifetime of the user if given a moderate amount of TLC. Straps and soles can be repaired when needed, with the average lifespan of a set of Vibram soles being about 4 years and the average for a set of leather soles about 7 years. I have worked on pairs of our sandals that were over 40 years old!
- Will the arch stay up?
The arch construction of these sandals is created to be flexible and spring-like in its support. They are intentionally designed to be flexible and therein allow the natural articulation of the arch in walking. If you have flat feet, these soles will give you a comfortable support, but will settle appropriately. It is much easier (and therefore cheaper) to put a piece of cork or rubber in the arch, but this again will create a less healthy arrangement for all but the most needy foot (special support can be created to accommodate orthodic requirements…inquire if this includes you).
- What if I have flat feet?
Please refer to the previous question.
- What if I need orthodics?
As mentioned above, orthopedic requirements can often be accommodated in the construction of the sole bed. What I need is the orthodic inserts you are currently using from which I take my measurements. I usually have them express mailed to me and return them the following day.from there I construct the footbed. In such specialized work I cannot guarantee results but do have a longstanding success rate and will certainly inform a potential client if I feel dubious about the chances for success.
- What happens if they get wet?
Don't fret! Just let them dry gradually, out of any direct sunlight…give them a light oiling and they will be fine.
- What kind of maintenance do they need?
Most importantly, keep them from "drying out" too much. By that I don't mean water them. What I mean is to replenish the oil content with a compatible source, particularly the top sole and the straps where they come in contact with the foot. The salts and acids in our sweat deplete the oils of the leather and they become dry and brittle, subject to cracking. There are many suitable products to accomplish this. Pure lanolin is excellent, but I use Bag Balm for a treatment that is not too penetrating. Other than this, just common sense leather attention will keep them in good shape for many years.